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Why the Dragonfly?

The dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, and self-actualization. A dragonfly carries with it the wisdom of transformation and adaptability. It is a reminder for you to shed more light and joy in your life. It tells you not to remain in the dark or the shadows.  A dragonfly encourages you to dive into your emotions and asks your spirit to soar with your true colors. A dragonfly asks us to break free from our illusions. As it reflects light, it asks us to reflect our inner light. It encourages us to be adaptable, creative, and inspired even if it means changing the way we act or think so we can achieve our full potential.  A dragonfly asks you to express your true feelings as you stand in your authentic self and speak your truth in grace and love. So a dragonfly meaning can be summarized as ‘transformation to become who we really are.’ (Credit: G.C. Clifford) 

About Ava Dasya Rasa

Ava Dasya Rasa, MSW, MA, LCSW-C is a Transpersonal Neuro-Somatic Psychotherapist, Author, & the Founder & CEO of Dragonfly Trauma Counseling Center, LLC. She has experienced first-hand the amazing transformative healing results of Trauma Therapies, such as: Brainspotting, EMDR, and Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness. Ava Dasya’s mission is now to bring her clinical skills and innate gifts to others, so they, too, can transform their life traumas! 

Ava Dasya has been engaged both personally and professionally in mental health and clinical behavioral health services for over 20 years. Her professional clinical experience includes: Counseling in Crisis Intervention, Domestic & Partner Violence, Child Abuse & Neglect, Military Sexual Trauma (MST), PTSD/PTSD-C, Acute Suicidality & Self-Harm, Developmental Trauma, Complex Trauma, Complicated Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, LGBTQIA+ Issues, Gender, Sexuality, & Religion, Faith & Spirituality, Personality Disorders, Brain-Gut Nutrition Health, and Addiction & Trauma, and Religious Trauma.

Choosing to heal ourselves IS hard work–it invites us to radically accept our journeys, to be rooted in humility as we come to befriend our woundedness, and to practice profound gratitude for the opportunity to choose to heal!  

If you are suffering from trauma, please reach out to Ava Dasya. Let’s move your life forward!

Ava Dasya's Approach

Ava Dasya’s approach to addressing trauma is to use the most progressive, brain-body based, neuro-experiential trauma therapies that can access unhealed, unresolved, and unintegrated trauma lodged in the primitive part of our brains. These traumas are identified, discharged, and processed in a safe space and relationship. 

Brainspotting, EMDR, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, and Somatic Attachment Therapies are powerful, transformative Trauma Therapies. You deserve to heal and renew and become who you are really meant to be! 

If you have tried traditional talk therapy and are still suffering from traumatic stress-related symptoms, such as: anxiety, depression, hyper-vigilance, flashbacks, intrusive memories or thoughts, sleep disruption, avoidance, addictions, dissociation (Numbing out, shutting down, detaching from body or place), irritability, exaggerated startle response, or problems with concentration—or, any negative thoughts or moods associated with a traumatic event, then please reach out for a complimentary 15 minute consultation. You do not need to suffer alone!

“There was pain & struggle and loss of many kinds. It made her grieve deeply. And, through it there was softening, too. And, an opening—a slow, slow dawning of peace. A quite knowing that all could be well.” Anonymous

A Closer look at Dragonfly Trauma Counseling Center

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